28 January 2014

At the start of the new year we can also start with some new figures. We will limit ourselves to fiscal maximums and ceilings that are significant for legal and supplementary pensions and other replacement incomes.

For the so-called 3rd pillar or saving on an individual basis it is possible to deduct a maximum of 950 euros of pension savings for tax purposes for the 2015 tax demand year (on 2014 income). This amount is limited to 2,280 euros for long-term savings.

What is more, self-employed people can still pay a Premium-free Supplementary Pension for the Self-Employed’ [Vrij Aanvullend Pensioen voor Zelfstandigen; VAPZ] at 8.17% of their occupational income up to a maximum of 3,027.09 euros.

When deciding the maximum 2nd pillar supplementary pensions using the 80% rule, the estimated statutory pension for the self-employed is equal to 25% of income, with a maximum of 16,123.68 euros (salary ceiling of 64,494.72 euros) and a minimum of 12,731.29 euros.

The salary ceiling for salaried employees is 52,760.95 euros. The estimate of the statutory pension for a salaried employee is then 50% of salary with a maximum of 26,380.48 euros and a minimum of 13,480.03 euros.

Sickness and incapacity payments for salaried employees are calculated on the basis of a salary ceiling of 41,059.92 euros in 2014 and the compulsory statutory benefits in the context of an accident at work are calculated with a ceiling of 40,927.18 euros. These ceilings are generally also used to calculate the insurance premiums for these benefits.

Finally, we also give the maximum deductible employer contribution in the context of an individual pension commitment for salaried employees: 2,320 euros.